Our Factory

Quken International reached a cooperation with Shen-Fu Industrial Technology Research Institute,Northeastern University, established Liaoning Neuloy Technology Co.,Ltd. (NEULOY) and set up a production base in the northeast of China.

  • NEU Shen-Fu Industrial Technology Research Institute

    Shen-Fu Industrial Technology Research Institute,Northeastern University

  • Production Base

    Production Base

Location: Liaoning Province, China.

Production Equipment:

NEULOY has the modern production line of special alloys in China, including special smelting equipment such as 3t VID, 3t VI-ESR, 0.5t PVIM, 0.2t VAR and other supporting processing equipment. We have a strong guarantee for the quality of the company products with excellent process equipment.

  • Vacuum Induction Degassing Furnace with 3 tons (3t VID)

    Vacuum Induction Degassing Furnace with 3 tons (3t VID)

  • Vacuum/Inert gas Electroslag Remelting with 3 tons (3t VI-ESR)

    Vacuum/Inert gas Electroslag Remelting with 3 tons (3t VI-ESR)

  • Pressure Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace with 0.5 ton (0.5t PVIM)

    Pressure Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace with 0.5 ton (0.5t PVIM)

  • Vacuum Arc Remelting furnace with 0.2 ton (0.2t VAR)

    Vacuum Arc Remelting furnace with 0.2 ton (0.2t VAR)

Testing Equipment:

Liaoning Neuloy Technology Co.,Ltd. has built an international laboratory for chemical composition analysis, gas analysis, metallographic analysis and mechanical property testing. The existing Full-spectrum ICP spectrometer, ONH analyzer, CS analyzer, Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscopy, Electron probe microanalyzer, Tensile testing machine and other advanced quality testing equipment. The entire process from initial melting to the final production, NEULOY strictly follows the general standards of the industry.

  • Full-spectrum ICP spectrometer

    Full-spectrum ICP spectrometer

  • ONH analyzer

    ONH analyzer

  • CS analyzer

    CS analyzer

  • Tensile testing machine

    Tensile testing machine

  • Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscopy

    Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscopy

  • Electron probe microanalyzer

    Electron probe microanalyzer

Technical force:

Shen-Fu Industrial Technology Research Institute,Northeastern University has more than 100 full-time staffs in R&D, design, management and production, including a total of more than 30 staff with master's and doctoral degrees. The majors cover iron and steel metallurgy, metal materials, industrial automation, computer applications, mechanical engineering and environmental engineering.

The areas of expertise of the existing technical team:

1. Smelting, solidification, heating and heat treatment of high quality special steels and special alloys.

2. Research on material design and serviceability.

3. Special steel production process, primary refining, refining and continuous casting/die casting process and product quality control.

4. Special steel processing and organizational performance control.

5. Vacuum induction melting, electroslag remelting, vacuum arc melting, pressure melting and plasma melting and other special metallurgical technology.

6. Involving stainless steel, aerospace ultra-high strength steel, high temperature alloy, corrosion resistant alloy and precision alloy and other varieties.

7. Electroslag remelting, stainless steel smelting and variety development, and inclusions control technology in steel.